dinsdag 29 december 2009

Lady Gaga Dolls

How awesome is this?!! Dollmaker 'Veik11' customized regular barbies into Lady Gaga look-a-likes. Here you find his Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/veik11/sets/72157621855594581/with/4184267629/
We think he succeed!

Here are some great examples:

XX, M&L.

12 opmerkingen:

  1. Hahaha, this is great, I never realized there are dolls like her too. Remarkable resemblance I have to admit.

    Great post, thanks for sharing with us.
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    Hope your new year will be a great start to a bright future.
    Have a wonderful day!

  2. Hahaha. Als ik nog met Barbie's speelde had ik er graag eentje gewild. Bij die laatste zit haar haar trouwens prachtig!


  3. Supervet. Hahaa.
    De 1e en met die konijnenoortjes zijn leuk.

  4. oh my god she is crazy, I am so glad she's been emulated now in doll form. love me some gog. <3

  5. haha how funny is that!
    great immitations i agree. only the sunglasses are not the same. It's not the only thing but i think that is a thing he missed

    With love Jessi

  6. ha, these are ace! can't beliveve how much of a fashion style icon gaga is becoming!

    apparently, she is set 2010's biggest fashion influence- the thought scares me a little bit!

    All going googoo for Gaga!!
